Our Mission
The Base Library supports combat readiness, professional development, and community support by providing the necessary resources along with excellent customer service to meet the needs of the McConnell Community.
Who can use the library?
Per AFI 34-262, military members and their families, military retirees and their family members, Department of Defense (DoD) civilians (both APF and NAF) and their family members, and DoD contractor personnel working on the instillation may use the base library.
Per AFI 34-270 1.5.1, Non-Department of Defense (DoD) personnel enrolled in an Air Force or DoD sponsored education program may use Library Services when required by a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and when showing proof of current enrollment.
How long can an item be checked out?
- Books/Audiobooks/PlayAways – 3 weeks
- DVDs – 3 weeks, limit 10 per account
- Video Games – 3 weeks, limit 2 per game system
- Backpack Kits – 3 weeks
- LaunchPads – 3 weeks
- Activity Passes – 1 week, limit 1, no renewals
* All items may be renewed twice unless there is a hold placed on the item.
How can I reserve a book that is currently checked out?
Any staff member can reserve an item that is currently checked out of the library for you. Once a hold has been placed on an item, that item may not be renewed. When the item has been returned we will call you and you will have 3 days to pick up the item before it is offered to the next person on the reserve list or reshelved.
Can I renew my materials?
Any item that has been checked out may be renewed up to two times unless there is a hold on the item. Renewals may be made over the phone by calling 759-4207 or within the library.
What is your overdue policy?
When checking out items from a library, you become liable for the materials. McConnell Air Force Base Library does not charge fines for overdue material, we just ask that they get returned in a timely manner or your account will be barred until it is clear.
What is Inter-Library Loan (ILL)?
Inter-Library Loan is a service provided by libraries of all types and sizes. By sharing their resources with other libraries, the range of materials available to all library users is greatly expanded. The policies of each library may differ as to what materials may be borrowed or photocopied and whether or not there is a charge for the service.
Who May Use ILL?
Anyone eligible to use the base library may make an ILL request. This includes all military personnel and their dependents, civilian employees, retirees, and students enrolled in classes on base.
What Cannot Be Borrowed Through ILL?
Most libraries will not lend the following materials:
- Rare or valuable materials, including manuscripts
- Bulky or fragile items which are difficult to ship
- Material in high demand at the lending library, including new books
- Material with local circulation restrictions
- Unique materials which would be difficult to replace
How Long Does It Take?
Periodical articles and books may be received within a few days or may take between one and four weeks or longer depending on the mail, location of the library being loaned from, and whether the material is immediately available from the lending library.
How Long Can Material Be Used By the Customer?
The loan period is determined by the library which the material has been borrowed. We usually estimate being able to borrow the material for approximately 2 weeks.